
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

anna breland

1. What do you do at Addison Clark?
I'm a graphic designer. I provide clients with visual collateral to promote and provide an identity for their brand.

2. What's your favorite thing about your job?
I've always been artistic and am an avid reader and learner, so my favorite thing about design is the ability to combine creative expression with relevant information to create graphics.

3. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Humidity, without a doubt, will always put me in a bad mood.

4. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Napping, reading, watching movies, and exploring the city.

5. If you could choose ONE superpower, what would it be and why?
I've always wanted to fly! It would be fun and with the added bonus of avoiding traffic. 

6. Are you a cat person or a dog person?
With a 15 year old cat and a 7 year old dog, that's an impossible choice. There is something to be said about the comfort of curling up with a cat for a nap though!

7. What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas! I love the weather, the decorations and lights, and the memories of my extended family getting together to enjoy each other's company and my grandmother's cooking. 

8. Who would play you in a movie?
I think in addition to the same name, Anna Kendrick and I have very similar awkward energy but I'd love to be played by someone as cool as Sophie Turner. 

9. Name three things you'll find on your desk at work. 
A planner, coffee, and tissues during allergy season

10. What is your favorite social media site and why?
Probably Twitter because it's the most relaxed social media platform and I'm always laughing at good tweets. 

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