
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

1. What do you do at Addison Clark?

I’m an Account Manager which means I creatively approach, communicate, and execute client goals. I love how no two days look the same at Addison Clark.

2. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I love exploring the outdoors and staying active. Whether it is finding a new trail to hike, playing a game of basketball, or picking up a new sport like disc golf (which I have been really into lately).

3. Who’s your favorite sports team?

I am from Maryland, so I love the Baltimore Orioles! I grew up playing baseball and dreaming of playing for the Orioles one day. I’ll settle for just watching them now.

4. Are you a cat or dog person?

Definitely a dog person! It doesn’t help that I am allergic to cats, but dogs are simply more fun anyway.

5. What is your biggest pet peeve?

Hot Chocolate as a whole. It is always too hot so you burn your tongue which ruins the rest of it. It also gets cold too fast, and then the whole point of hot chocolate isn’t there anymore.

6. If you could travel in a Time Machine, would you go back to the past or into the future?

Definitely the past. I would go back to watch the Orioles win the World Series. I feel one coming up, so hopefully I can watch them win without a time machine.

7. What is your favorite holiday?

I love the vibes of Christmas — waking up, eating pancakes, hanging out with family, and watching some bad Hallmark movie is a perfect day for me.

8. What is your favorite social media site and why?

Instagram has to be my favorite. I enjoy seeing what all my friends are up to, and being jealous of the fun trips they go on.

9. If you could choose any ONE superpower, what would it be and why?

My superpower would have to be the ability to translate anything. I studied Spanish at JMU and understanding another language is so cool, but the ability to understand anything ever written or said would be awesome. It would also make traveling easier.

10. Name three things you’ll find at your desk at work.

Water to keep me going, paper to write notes and ideas, and a fun picture of my friends!

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