On any given day, there are likely numerous people involved in the success of your business. Real employees are working diligently to get things done and real customers are utilizing your products and/or services.
As the world becomes more of a digital and virtual place, this human aspect of your company can become one of your most effective marketing tools. People want to get to know the faces behind your brand. Likewise, they want to hear from other humans about how your products and services worked for them. Marketing collateral has its place, but it's no substitute for real life stories about your brand.
When you consider that over 90% of people read testimonials when considering a purchase, it's safe to say that consumers trust each other more than they trust catchy marketing.
As a business, it's important to showcase your brand through the lens of your customers. Show the faces behind the company, the results that were produced, and the happy customers that you've dealt with. Showcasing the success of your company highlights your legitimacy as a brand and helps build more customer connection.
Here are a few ways you can do that:
- Company Profile - A company profile is a great way to introduce the people at your company who make the magic happen. From the CEO to the receptionist, each person serves a valuable role at your company and can help tell your brand's story. You can do this in a variety of ways including a video, blog series, podcast interviews, or on social media.
- Client Testimonials - What do your clients have to say about their experience with your brand? Did you solve a problem or produce a result for them that they're happy with? By featuring your success in their own words, you can add an organic voice of authenticity to your brand. You can showcase these testimonials through videos, social media, or case studies.
- Social Media - At its core, social media is meant to be a social place where conversation happens. This applies just as much to businesses on the platform as it does to individuals. By engaging with your customers, striking up conversations, and answering questions, you can really showcase the voice and values of your company -- something that often gets hidden in today's digital world.
By incorporating facts and emotion into your marketing strategy, you can earn the trust of prospective customers and motivate them to choose your business over the competition. Most importantly, you can present a real and authentic view of your business that customers may not have seen before.