
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

If you're a business owner looking for a cost-effective way to market your business, build brand awareness, and establish credibility with your customers, there's one channel that stands out among the rest.

Ever since the first marketing email was sent in 1978, email marketing has remained one of the most effective marketing channels. Let’s face it – we’re used to brands marketing to us via email. Even 55% of consumers say that email is their preferred digital channel for business communication. Not to mention that businesses can expect an average ROI of $36 for every $1 spent on email marketing.

So, what can email marketing do for your business? A few common benefits include:

  • Generation of new leads
  • Increased sales
  • Consistent customer engagement
  • Increased website traffic
  • Enhanced brand awareness

These benefits can only be achieved through a comprehensive email marketing program. At Addison Clark, our team takes the time to thoroughly understand your industry and audience, allowing us to tailor a content strategy that will make an impact on your audience while ultimately producing business outcomes.

Want to learn more about how email marketing can help grow your business? Contact the experts at Addison Clark today!

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