Longer days and warm weather are here, which means it’s time for spring cleaning! As winter comes to a close, spring brings the perfect opportunity for a fresh reset, and that includes your marketing strategy! As a business, your goals are constantly evolving and so are the marketing channels you use. Taking the time to periodically re-evaluate your goals and strategies can help ensure you are focusing your time and budget where it matters most.
Here are 5 tips for spring cleaning your marketing strategy:
Reevaluate your goals
As your business grows and evolves, your goals will likely change as well. What are your key metrics? What matters most to your business that will actually produce results? As you re-evaluate your goals, get organized and create actionable steps and timelines toward achieving those goals.
Check your platforms and strategies
Take stock of the platforms and strategies you are currently utilizing to spread your marketing message. Platforms are constantly tweaking their algorithms, which may in turn affect the visibility of your content. The relevance of various platforms to your target audience may also fluctuate. Consider which channels are worth the continued investment and which may no longer be relevant your business goals.
Clean up your website
It can be easy to allow your website to fly under the radar. However, as one of the first impressions a customer will have of your brand, it is so important to keep your website up to date. Evaluate how user friendly your website is, whether it is optimized for mobile, and the overall design, as well as the relevance of your existing content.
Refresh your designs
From social media graphics to your logo and website design, ensure your branding is consistent across all digital and marketing collateral. Do your designs need a refresh? As design trends change and evolve, make sure your brand stays up to date.
Refine your target audience
Look at your current target audience with a fresh set of eyes. Has it changed? Then, evaluate your content, ads, and platforms to ensure they speak to and are reaching your target audience.
The digital world moves quickly. Make the most of your marketing investment by refining your goals, strategies, and platforms!