When you think about marketing for your business, things like your website, emails, social media, and TV and radio advertising might come to mind. But what about live events? Event marketing is a unique way that businesses can personally connect with prospective and current customers and stand out from the competition. You can use events to showcase your products or services, demonstrate your skills, or raise general brand awareness.
Here are a few examples of events that you can host or participate in to promote your business:
- Grand openings and launch parties: If you're opening up a brick-and-mortar location, launching a new product, or celebrating a milestone, host an event to mark the occasion! Spread the word to other business owners in your area and invite current customers and members of your network.
- Workshops: Educational events like workshops, seminars, or lunch and learns are a great way to show your expertise and credibility to prospective customers. This is a great chance to show attendees what you can do for them and why they should choose you over competitors.
- Conferences: Formal events like conferences are the best way to engage with a wide variety of customers and expand your network. Whether you have a booth or walk around, be sure to make the most of your time with each prospect. Have your elevator pitch prepared and emphasize what makes your business unique.
- Community events: Customers enjoy seeing businesses involved in the local community. Consider hosting a fundraiser, sponsoring a charity event, or encouraging your employees to do volunteer work. While these events won't directly promote your product or service, customers will remember your commitment to the community.
Once you're ready to participate in an event, it's important to create a communications plan to publicize the event. You can announce the event on social media a few weeks in advance, schedule reminder posts and encourage your followers to share the content. Create targeted emails with details of the event and send them to your current contact list. During the event, hand out your business cards and collect your attendees' contact information. Consider handing out promo items, like branded sales sheets, folders, and pens for everyone to take home to keep your business top of mind. After the event, send a personal follow-up email to your attendees to continue nurturing the relationship.
Event marketing can be valuable for your business by elevating your presence and facilitating personal interactions with customers. If you're looking to host an event for your business, give Addison Clark a call today!