
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

Though YouTube has been a household name for well over a decade, in the past few years it has emerged as a premier platform for marketing, transforming how businesses reach and engage with their audiences. At Addison Clark, we know YouTube can be a compelling platform; here’s why we think you need to jump on this must-have tool.

digital trends

If you thought 2021 was a substantial year for marketing, 2022 will prove to be a year of equal or greater significance. 

As the digital marketing world evolves, organizations should adopt and leverage change to their advantage. Here are three digital marketing trends to look out for in 2022. 

paid social

Most social media platforms have some sort of paid advertising option these days. Facebook dominates the paid social landscape with over $28 billion in advertising dollars spent on the platform in 2018. There have been rumblings that the ad-spend growth is slowing on these platforms, but even with Facebook's recent scandals and in-the-news events, they still dwarf the ad spend for entire industries (like newspapers and magazines). 

online advertising

Digital advertising is so important these days since the majority of consumers can be found online. In fact, according to Google, 97% of consumers search for local businesses online. Recent reports are continuing to underscore the importance of online advertising now that it has surpassed traditional advertising methods in terms of spend. This gap only seems to be widening year after year. 


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With the announcement that Google is consolidating their ad platforms under Google Ads, it got us thinking about online advertising and its benefits and downsides.

The benefits of digital advertising:

  1. It is measurable. You can track clicks, time on site, etc. This is very valuable and can control where you spend your digital dollars.
  2. It’s easy to update and monitor. With those measurable results? you can easily make tweaks to your digital ads. You can update artwork, URLs and more in a quick turnaround.

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You've got your business rockin' and rollin' in the digital space - website, social media, email marketing, the works. But here's the big question - is that enough? The answer is not the most straightforward, but it's honest - maybe!

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