
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

People, to my dismay, are not mind readers. That being said, if you don't tell, show, sing, or ask people to find you on your favorite social media platforms-- they won't. Here are 6 easy ways to show off your social and increase your social media traffic.

1.) Your Email Signature,

You know that target market you're always looking for to join you online? You probably just sent them an email and they have no idea you are social.

Sincerely, Another Missed Opportunity

Did somebody say opportunity? Yes! Just thinking about how many e-mails you and your employees send out a day should be enough to get you giddy inside. For a simple explanation of how to and pictures, here is a link to help you upgrade your signature.

Food for thought. Erica Lamberta, an amazing marketing professional at Virginia Commonwealth Univerisity, suggests in addition to adding the links to your signature also encouraging your pen pal to join you on your social network. Before your signature, list the benefits of joining your group and ask them to join. For example,"For more interesting articles about how social media can help your business and updates about ACO, join us on our Facebook page www.facebook.com./addisonclarkonline."

2.) Business Cards

Move over watermark, social media icons are the new hottest thing to put on your business card. If you don't have it on your business card already and are not planning on getting more soon, that's okay. Place a sticker on the back of your card asking your new friends to join your social platforms. Did somebody say creative opportunity? How fun! Give your friends more to look at than a picture of social media icon. Write something funny or persuasive as to why they should join your social scene.

3.) Signs in Store

Let your customers know you're online and want to be a part of their life! Little signs by the register and hanging in your window are perfect places for you to show off your social.

4.) On your Website!

Displaying social media icons on your website is like adding milk to your cereal. It's all part of a well balanced social media campaign! This is the most popular way to get the word out and allow your fans to stay connected.

5.) Get the word out in your Newsletters.

If your company sends out a newsletter, list your social networks there too. Newsletters are great for introducing your social networks. Explain how these networks will benefit your customers and ask them to join.

6.) Just talk about it.

Easy. People make stronger connections in person which will lead to more action. Break into conversation by mentioning an interesting article you posted that you think they might find interesting. An approach like this will help offer a compelling reason as to why they should visit your social networks.

We want your ideas for how to increase social media traffic too! Please add yours below and tell us your thoughts :)

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