
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

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Posting on your social media platforms is a great way to spread the word about your company, what you offer, any specials you may be running, etc. But why is it important to create content and post often? Great question.

Social media content helps your business curate an online audience who may engage by liking, sharing, or even commenting on your post. In order to create quality content, you need to have a purpose or a message you are trying to get across. Start by brainstorming and creating a content calendar — this way you'll be able to plan out some posts in advance and see exactly what type of content you will be sharing. If you're stumped on what type of content to post on social media, find things that relate to your brand and mission. Stay on top of current events, holidays, and make sure your content is geared towards supporting your message.

Here are a few things to focus on when it comes to creating content.

1. Talk about things you as a company treasure. Whether it be your motto, office dog, or a really cool campaign you’re launching. Adding a personal touch to why you love what you do will really add an extra kick to your messages.

2. Share things that inspire you. Talk about a favorite quote or an inspirational message. This type of content will help people relate to you on a personal level.

3. Make them laugh. Funny posts are a great way to help raise your audiences’ spirits. Whether it be a GIF, YouTube video, or a funny meme, this is a great way to give your audience something they can laugh about and share with their friends.

4. Ask Questions. Questions are a great way to get the conversation going. Ask what someone’s summer plans are or if they are traveling anywhere for the winter holidays. It’s a great conversation starter and maybe even some of your audience will engage with each other.

5. Self-promotion. If you are a company who primarily focuses on good and services, it is totally okay to brag and promote! While this shouldn't be the primary focus of your social media, it should definitely be featured regularly. Your audience will get excited about you being excited. Explaining services and sharing product features is a great way to help sales and promote your business. Confidence is key!

If you're struggling with content creation or simply don't have the time to manage a social media presence, give the social media experts at Addison Clark a call!

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