When you first begin working with a marketing agency, like Addison Clark, you will often be assigned an Account Manager. Their job is to be your direct line of communication into the agency, help with strategic growth of your business, and respond promptly, accurately, and knowledgeably to any of your questions.
With a dedicated Account Manager, you won't have to worry about speaking to a different person every time you call. Whether you're working on new business iniatives, tactical marketing plans, or social media posts, your Account Manager is your one-stop shop for all communications. The Account Manager will then work on your behalf to direct the internal and external teams who execute your strategy and make sure you and your business are well represented and prioritized.
By getting to know every aspect of your business, an Account Manager acts as your advocate within the agency. There can be many different teams and departments within an agency, but your Account Manager will make sure your needs are communicated properly with the internal teams who will be executing the strategy.
Your Account Manager can also help you with the strategy and growth of your business. This may include things like social media plans, paid marketing, email marketing, and so on. Your Account Manager is there to act as your marketing guide, offering new ideas and guiding your brand in the right direction.
In a world where time is money, having a dedicated Account Manager can give you the resource you need to take your business to the next level.