
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

Content marketing goes beyond simply putting words out there; it’s about delivering valuable and relevant information content that will attract a clearly defined audience. This means crafting content that will both educate and build trust.

In today's visually-driven world, the adage "a picture is worth a thousand words" has never been more accurate, especially in the realm of branding and marketing. Visual content has emerged as a great force in shaping consumer perceptions and driving brand success. From striking images and graphic design to compelling videos, visual content has the power to captivate audiences, evoke emotions, and leave a lasting impression. Through carefully crafted visuals, brands can communicate their identity, values, and offerings in a manner that resonates deeply with their target audience.


Short-form content has begun to dominate the feeds of most social media platforms. Although people are using social media more, they’re spending less time engaging with individual posts. According to a study from Microsoft, people now generally lose concentration after eight seconds, highlighting the effects of an increasingly digitalized lifestyle on the brain.


Education vs. Hard Sell

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel an uncomfortable amount of pressure to buy something from a business? As we move into the next decade, we hope you’ll experience this less and less. The best choices when it comes to products and services should present themselves through genuine quality over aggressive persuasion.


In today’s day and age emojis have become commonplace for most people when interacting with others in our personal lives. Whether it be through a text message, email, or social media post, emojis have become prevalent across multiple communication channels. While this fun, light-hearted form of communication seems harmless to utilize in your personal life, an important question to ask is: Are emojis a smart tool to use in my business?


A company blog may not be at the forefront of your mind when you think of a traditional marketing strategy. However, with nearly 5 billion internet users across the globe, online content has become an essential and valuable component of any effective brand strategy. Below are three reasons you should consider incorporating blogs into your marketing plan. 

brand story 1

Whether you know it or not, you are telling a brand story with everything you do. From your tagline and website content to your online reviews and signage, everything works together to craft a story about your business.

While some businesses are intentional about their brand story, other businesses are telling a story without even knowing it. Some are telling the wrong story altogether.

So how do you tell the right story in the right way?

First, you need to know the definition of a brand story. A brand story is a cohesive narrative that informs consumers and inspires an emotional reaction.

copywriting for web

Writing content for your website may seem simple. After all, you're the expert on your business. How hard could it be to describe that on your website? Before you dive into copywriting, there are a few tips you should keep in mind in order to make your website's content the best it can be.

Write for your audience
It's important to identify who your audience is in order to determine how to write about yourself and the products you offer. Make sure you are writing for your average customer and not using hard-to-understand industry terms. 

Keep it simple
We know you could say a lot about your business, but it's best to keep it short and sweet when possible. Most people have very short attention spans and prefer not to read large chunks of content, so get to the point quickly.

Blog Feb 21 Website ContentYour website is often the first impression a customer has with your brand. With the short attention span of today’s average web user, it is so important to be intentional in creating compelling, focused, succinct website copy to engage readers and build brand trust. Here are five ways to optimize copy for your website:

Choose an appropriate tone

Your brand tone, or the way in which you communicate with your customers can and should vary depending on the context. When it comes to your website, avoid using jargon or industry-specific acronyms. While the tone used on your website may be less casual than, for example, social media, infusing personality into your website copy is a must!

humanizing your brand

On any given day, there are likely numerous people involved in the success of your business. Real employees are working diligently to get things done and real customers are utilizing your products and/or services. 

As the world becomes more of a digital and virtual place, this human aspect of your company can become one of your most effective marketing tools. People want to get to know the faces behind your brand. Likewise, they want to hear from other humans about how your products and services worked for them. Marketing collateral has its place, but it's no substitute for real life stories about your brand. 

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