
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

If you're a business owner looking for a cost-effective way to market your business, build brand awareness, and establish credibility with your customers, there's one channel that stands out among the rest.


Did you know that over 64% of small businesses use email marketing to reach their customers?

Often times, incorporating email marketing into your overall strategy is a great way to grow and strengthen your business. However, in the beginning it can seem daunting. We get asked all the time “how do I build an email list”?

With the tips below, you will be well on your way to growing your email list – organically!

blog email marketing jan 21

Just because the email is sent does not mean your work is done! There are so many ways to monitor and improve your email marketing tactics to better provide your customers with the ideal interaction with your business. Check out these subtle ways to enhance your customer's experience in 2021.


email marketing tips

Email marketing can often be a beneficial addition to your multi-touch marketing strategy. While there are newer and flashier marketing tools out there, email marketing is unique in its ability to reach customers and interested parties directly in their inboxes — a place most of us frequent on a regular basis! When you send emails, you're also reaching an audience that has already opted-in to receive your messages. This means your audience is already expecting to hear from you and may be more ready to convert!

If you're just getting started with email marketing or have been utilizing it without seeing great results, try these four tips to optimize your strategy.

customer communication

The current pandemic has taught us many things, but one of the most important things we have learned is how quickly things can change. While things can be uncertain, you can offer your customers stability and clarity by keeping the channels of communication open. Whether your business is having to close, adjust hours, re-open in phases, or anything in between, being able to quickly and easily communicate with your customers is key. 

Here are a few platforms we recommend using to do that:

email optimization

So you've added email marketing as a part of your marketing strategy. Maybe you've been doing it for some time. While having an email strategy is a great first step, it's important to keep optimizing so that your campaigns really resonate with your target audience. Here are 5 things you should keep in mind when developing your next email marketing campaign. 

1. Choose an email service. Managing an email strategy can be a lot of work. Email services like Constant Contact, MailChimp, and a number of other providers make it much easier. They give you the ability to design, schedule, and track emails that you are sending out. 

2. Rethink your subject lines. As soon as your email lands in someone's inbox, it needs to grab their attention. The subject line is the perfect place to do just that. When writing your subject line, make sure it's relevant to your audience and to the email, and use actionable language. 

email marketing

For many companies, email marketing is not just a part of their marketing strategy; it is the foundation of it. It’s no surprise either – according to 80% of professionals, email marketing campaigns drive customer acquisition and retention for their businesses. Plus, it is one of the most cost-effective marketing methods since it is a way to reach people in a place they visit every day – their email inbox. More importantly, because of opt-in requirements, you’re contacting people who have invited you into their inbox. Instead of cold calls, email marketing allows you to connect with people who actually want to hear from your business.

If you’ve been on the fence about pursuing an email marketing strategy, here are some facts about this avenue of marketing.

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The holidays are coming up – can you believe it? With spending on the minds of most consumers, now is a great time to start planning your holiday-themed marketing plan. One of the best ways to directly reach your customers is through an email marketing campaign. Here are some ideas to consider:

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Email marketing is one of the best ways to reach prospects and customers 24/7. In addition to checking email at work, most Americans are checking their email while watching TV (70%), from bed (52%), on vacation (50%0, while on the phone (43%), from the bathroom (42%), and while driving (18%)*. In a constantly connected world, email is a great way to reach your audience. Like most marketing efforts, though, there is always room for improvement. Here are three easy things you can do today to improve your email marketing. 

In the ever-changing online world where new apps are developed every day and we're constantly jumping from one social network to another, email is practically archaic. And, yet, it still remains one of the best forms of marketing. A big reason for this is because we no longer have to be at a computer to check our emails — we carry them in our pockets! No matter what the critics tell you, email marketing is still a relevant form of marketing and here's why:

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