
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

The content of your website, and more specifically, your top-performing pages on your site, may be more important than you might think. Developing content with SEO intentionality is paramount in maintaining good quality web traffic.

power of blogging

Small business owners are constantly looking for new ways to market their businesses and stand out from the crowd. Writing blog posts can help you accomplish just that! When done properly, blog posts can be a powerful tool in your marketing toolkit. Our clients have seen genuine business results from blog posts, ranging from increased brand awareness to lead conversion. 

common SEO mistakes

Have you ever wondered why your website isn't getting your desired ranking on Google? For web developers, marketers, and business owners, the best practices of SEO (search engine optimization) are usually well-understood — it's been a constant in the industry for over two decades. However, just as there are best practices, there are worst practices that shouldn't be ignored either. Very common mistakes, that can easily go unnoticed, may be the cause of low search engine rankings. Read on for four of the most common SEO errors that we see regularly. 

writing for humans

Over time, there has been a shift online. The almighty algorithm has become king, influencing the way developers build, creatives design, and copywriters write. Google, the world’s most popular search engine and manipulator of “the algorithm”, can be frustratingly vague on what the algorithm likes and dislikes. Marketing and SEO experts are forever trying to cater to the whims of the algorithm in order to keep their websites in good standing and visible online.

While pleasing the algorithm is a necessary part of the game, at the end of the day, humans are who will ultimately be buying from you so your content should speak to them, not just algorithms.


Both search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) are excellent tools on their own, but when combined they really complement and even enhance each other’s strategy.


Writing blog posts can be a nightmare for some people. But blogging can prove to be very useful for your business’s SEO which in turn helps bring customers to your website. So how do you write a blog post and what can you write about?

SEO Blog 

When it comes to website design, Google doesn’t judge a book by its cover. A website may be beautiful, but is it functional? Does your website drive visitors to take action by filling out a contact form, scheduling an appointment, or calling your office? If the answer is no, then you should consider partnering with an SEO agency to design your next website.

SEO blog aug 3

There are many components involved in a successful search engine optimization (SEO) strategy which can make it seem like a huge moving target at times. Search engines like Google take into account many different things when determining a website’s ranking, including things like a website’s front-end content, back-end meta data, competition, and the search queries that consumers are using to search for your products and services.

local search

A strong local presence is essential to small businesses that operate on a regional level. By focusing on local SEO, you can prioritize appearing on search engine results pages (SERPs) in a specific location instead of nationally. If your business goal is to dominate a specific market in a certain area, local search engine optimization should be an important piece of your marketing strategy. 

Local SEO has become even more essential in the last decade with so many consumers armed with mobile and tablet devices. Consumers are looking for businesses when they're on the go. In fact, Google estimates that 35% of all search traffic is local and proximity is one of the three major ranking signals for search results. 

If you're trying to improve your business's local SEO, here are our top 5 tips:

algorithm changes

Algorithms get a bad rep in the world of search engine optimization. The negative connotation comes from the thousands of changes that Google makes every year, some officially announced and others not. In reality, algorithms are set to make sure that websites are providing a user-friendly experience and relevant content since Google wants to provide the best results for every search a user enters.

Algorithm changes can affect the following things:

  • Search ranking and visibility
  • Organic search traffic
  • Conversions
  • Return on investment
  • Revenue

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