
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

Providing top-notch website design is vital for any business. It bolsters brand trustworthiness, boosts site-wide conversion rates, and ensures a better user experience. As we move into 2025, keep an eye on some rising trends.

Your website is the face of your company online. From a stunning homepage to each interior page, keeping your website updated and fresh ensures a positive user experience for any visitor. If you aren’t sure where to start, or what to refresh, here are 5 things to consider:

Why Mobile First Websites Are Non Negotiable

According to most studies, 2017 marked the first year that more than 50% of internet traffic came from mobile devices, rather than home computers. This trend has continued this direction in the six years since. This is a significant statistic for a couple of reasons.

refreshing your website 1

Take a look at your website. Do the words "outdated" or "confusing" come to mind? Are you unhappy with the general look and feel of your website? If so, it might be time for a website makeover. At Addison Clark, we typically recommend refreshing your website's design and content every three years to ensure relevancy and an optimal user experience. This might feel overwhelming at first, especially if you have a large website with several interior pages. If you don't know where to start, here are four things to consider:


An effective website has concise verbiage, cohesive branding, and an intuitive navigation that drives visitors to take action. If you haven’t changed anything about your website in the last year it’s time for an update. Here a few considerations to make while cleaning up your website.

website chat 1

In an increasingly on-demand world with a need for instant gratification, live chat has almost become the norm on websites. According to SuperOffice, "41% of customers expect live chat on your website."

One reason to have a chat feature on your website is ease of communication. Consumers like to communicate on their own terms. Some may prefer a phone call or email, but increasingly, consumers like using chat. If a customer can't get a quick response from a brand, their loyalty is likely to dwindle. Imagine wanting to ask a simple question, but having to pick up the phone and wait on hold for 20 minutes. Most users would hang up and head to a competitor's website. 

web design

Are you in need of a new website? Whether you are starting a new business or need to give your current website a facelift, it is important to have a solid plan in place before starting the website design process. Here are a few important aspects to think about when it comes to website design and development.

WordPress vs. Joomla

A web platform is a system that you use to create and manage your website. In the past, building websites was a lengthy process that required separate creation of each page using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With the addition of more dynamic tools, skilled web developers created systems that made it possible to create pages with less input and more functionality. Joomla and WordPress are two of these advanced systems that are frequently used for web development. Below, we discuss the pros and cons of both over a variety of important categories. 

user experience

“No product is an island. A product is more than the product. It is a cohesive, integrated set of experiences. – Don Norman

One of the most effective ways companies can differentiate themselves from competitors is not through pricing strategies or product innovation, but through a unique and seamless user experience. The user experience begins from the moment a customer first encounters a product or service and continues through the journey of acquiring, using, and maintaining a product. Whether through online banking, scheduling an appointment, or searching for local services, user experience is an essential component in the creation and execution of digital marketing strategies.

User Experience (UX) Design is the process designers use to create this seamless experience. It is user-centric and relies on a deep understanding of a customer - what motivates them, what their values are, their limitations, and more. By thinking like the customer, companies can deliver an experience that builds and maintains a loyal customer base and sets them apart from competitors.

There are several reasons to incorporate UX design as part of your digital marketing strategy.

user experience

As a business, it is important to consider the user experience of your digital channels. Even if you think they look great, consider them from a consumer's point of view. This will give you a better understanding of what the average person sees when they land on your website. 

Here are four things to consider when thinking about online user experience:

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