
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

new year goals

As we get closer to the end of the year, now is a great time for businesses to reflect on their marketing and business results from the last year and set goals for the upcoming year. Here are five things you can do to amp up your marketing in 2020.

2020 strategy

The new year is right around the corner. Have you started planning your marketing strategy? It's not too early to start! Here are some areas to consider when developing your plan for the new year. 

When thinking of your marketing strategy, start with your website. After all, that's where your target audience is most likely to land. A few things to consider;

  • Is your website mobile responsive?
  • Have you updated your content recently?
  • Is your website user-friendly and easy to navigate?

If you answered no to any of the questions above, it's probably time to revamp your website! 

brand awareness

Creating a strong brand is one of the most important things you can do for your company — whether that be getting a bold, recognizable logo designed, pumping out extra social media posts, or having an amazing website designed. Brand awareness is one of the key components to having a successful business. Here are a few ways a marketing agency can work with you to improve brand awareness. 

summer marketing 1

The days may be hot and half your office may be on vacation, but that doesn't mean your marketing should cool off in the summer. While there is typically a bit of lag in sales during the summer season, that doesn't mean you want your customers to forget about you. 

Here are a few things you can do to stay top of mind with customers in the summer months:

next level

Advancing your business can be more difficult than it looks. Throughout the years, we’ve worked with numerous businesses that — from the outside — seemed to be doing great. They had the day-to-day business activities down to a science, but something was missing. Their businesses’ growth was stalled, revenue wasn’t increasing, and they couldn’t figure out how to get to the next level. In almost every case, the problem wasn’t from a lack of ambition or capability. The problem lay in disjointed efforts, ignored data, and uninformed stabs in the dark.

To grow your small business, there are a few things that are essential in today’s business world. Holding the status quo will only get you so far. Here are a few areas you can address to elevate your business to the next level.

spring cleaning

As the weather changes and flowers start to bloom, have you considered looking at your marketing strategy? While a strong brand strategy and consistency are important, shaking things up a bit can also be a good thing.

Here are few things to consider when it comes to "spring cleaning" your strategy:


At Addison Clark, we’ve worked with numerous successful businesses that are trying to reach that next level. Maybe they have a great reputation in the local community but are struggling to reach a broader market. In other cases, they might have a strong word-of-mouth referral base, but no online leads or prospects. Sometimes their ideal client is different than what it was five years ago and they’re struggling with how to reach that new audience.

When it’s time to target and connect with a new audience, many businesses draw a blank. Even seasoned business owners can struggle with how to expand their reach with a message that will resonate. As with so many marketing endeavors, it all boils down to the right strategy. Here are a few proven ways to help you target and connect with potential customers:

multi touch

Have you ever been watching TV and the same commercial comes on back to back? Did you know that is done on purpose in order to capture your attention? Most Americans are so busy multi-tasking that it takes several tries to grab their attention. This is why a multi-touch marketing strategy is key.

new year trends

These are the five trends we're watching closely in 2019. 

1. Personalization. More and more customers want their online experience personalized. Phrases like "near me" saw a huge increase in Google searches in 2018. Another personalization we have seen is customized shopping. If you purchase a particular product, similar or corresponding products will be suggested to you as well. 

2. Digital. It's no surprise that digital continues to dominate in the marketing world. With platforms like Google, Facebook, and Hulu offering new and better digital advertising options, look for more and more opportunities in 2019. 

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January is like the Monday of the year. What you do during that month can set your business up for success all year long. Whether you're just starting a new business or you've been established for several years, it never hurts to take a critical look at your business, consider what is working and what is not working, and set new goals to achieve in the year. 

1. Map out a strategy. All good business and marketing plans should start with a strategy. This will act as your guiding star throughout the year, making sure all of your efforts are aligning with your goals. It also gives you a way to track progress throughout the year. A marketing agency, like Addison Clark, can help you put together an effective strategy for the new year that will help set your business up for success. By sharing this strategy with your team, you can ensure that everyone is working in a cohesive manner towards the same goal. 

2. Define "success". Success looks different for everyone. What one business would consider a success may not be what you're aiming for. Take some time to consider what success looks like for your business and aim for that in your marketing, sales, and business goals. 

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