
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

event marketing 1

When you think about marketing for your business, things like your website, emails, social media, and TV and radio advertising might come to mind. But what about live events? Event marketing is a unique way that businesses can personally connect with prospective and current customers and stand out from the competition. You can use events to showcase your products or services, demonstrate your skills, or raise general brand awareness. 

spring cleaning

When you think of the phrase "spring cleaning," you might think of finally tackling those home projects you've been putting off for awhile. But don't forget that your marketing strategy can also benefit from spring cleaning. It's important to keep your marketing plan, materials, and messaging up to date to stay in front of your audience and get ahead of the competition. While this might seem like a daunting task, here are a few actionable steps you can take now to get started:

2023 marketing trends

The world of digital marketing is ever-changing. New technology is putting creativity far ahead of its time and changing the game of digital marketing and advertising. The name of traditional advertising has changed as social media has become a leading source of marketing and advertising products and services. Digital marketing trends are heavily influenced by evolving technology, social and cultural trends, and design trends. What is popular right now? What are people talking about? 2023 is predicted to bring many changes to the marketing and advertising world. Here is what you can expect in the year ahead:

word of mouth advertising 1

Getting the appropriate message to the appropriate audience will always be priority #1 in marketing, but gone are the days of that being the end of the process. Today, consumers are overwhelmed with the sheer number of options of products and services out there, and markets in all industries are more competitive than ever. Now, audiences (whether consciously or subconsciously) note not only the quality of your advertisement but their experience of being advertised to. 

end of year marketing audit

As we head into the new year, you might be looking ahead to what's next for your business. Before you start planning, however, it's important to take a step back and evaluate the current state of your business, and by extension, your marketing strategy. Conducting a year-end marketing audit will help you identify what is and isn't working, along with potential marketing avenues for next year. While this isn't a comprehensive checklist, here are a few steps you can take to get started:

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Having an effective marketing strategy can turn a consumer into a lasting customer of your products or services. A good marketing strategy is one that provokes emotion and brand trust in your audience. Brand trust creates greater elasticity in your product or service, which can give your business a competitive advantage. Understanding consumer behavior is key to planning a marketing strategy for promoting your brand. Good advertising strategies create conversation and brand awareness. Here are some tips and tricks to create an impactful marketing strategy: 

holiday marketing

Having a strong, coherent marketing strategy lays the groundwork for success for any business. Developing a holiday marketing strategy for this upcoming holiday season is a whole step further — one that can pay off for most businesses. Though this may be an obvious suggestion, creating a holiday marketing strategy is a great way to drive your business' sales and increase its reach during the holidays. Here are a few tips to start:

advertising to ad savvy consumers

As the digital landscape expands, it’s no secret that audiences everywhere are becoming more and more aware of marketing strategies and how targeted ads are populated. As a result, it has become a complete necessity in the industry to incorporate integrity into your strategy.

Before proceeding, there’s one distinction that should be made clear: “marketing” and “advertising.” The general public may often use these terms interchangeably, but there is a key difference. An advertisement is a piece of media, whether digital or physical, that contains a reference to a potential transaction or another type of conversion. Marketing refers to an overall strategy of trying to promote one’s self, brand, etc.


Businesses often employ many different components and channels as a part of their marketing strategy. This is great since one option can rarely ever solve all of a business’s marketing challenges. It’s important to understand, however, that every component of a marketing strategy affects another. Each service is working towards a common goal and relies on each other a lot more than you may think.


We refer to ourselves at Addison Clark as a “full-service” marketing agency, but what exactly does that mean? To us, full-service means that we provide everything your business needs to develop a successful marketing strategy that produces measurable results.

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