
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

business people around table marketing strategy

"When companies allow a deep emotional understanding of people's needs to inspire them — and transform their work, their teams, and even their organization at large — they unlock the creative capacity for innovation." IDEO, "Empathy on the Edge"

Empathy, or putting yourself in another's shoes to more deeply understand how they experience the world, is an incredibly important, powerful tool in marketing. Increasingly, customers want to connect with the brands they use, and while there are more ways than ever to get in front of customers, it is becoming increasingly difficult to build trust. By taking the time to understand your customers on a deeper level — what motivates them, what frustrates them, what are their greatest grievances and annoyances, you can create an experience and craft messaging that truly resonates with them. Nothing happens in a vacuum — understanding the context in which consumers interact with your brand can help spark creativity and innovation and ultimately drive better results. You cannot create an effective solution without knowing what your customers value and having a comprehensive understanding of the problem. 

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As autumn settles in, it's time to start thinking about next year's marketing strategy. This year was certainly unlike any year we could have anticipated. We can use some things we learned from this challenging year in preparation for 2021. 

Above all else, prepare for the unexpected. While we certainly hope the global pandemic is behind us next year, it's best to plan for continued unexpected changes as best you can. What does this look like in your marketing strategy? Consumers will likely still be shopping and doing research online still. This means you MUST have a strong digital presence. Is your website in tip top shape? Are you ranking well on Google? Do you have a social media plan in place?

marketing channels

Whether you're just starting a business or are trying to take an existing business to the next level, marketing is a great way to get you there. When determining which marketing channels will make sense for your business, it's important to start first with your business goals. Knowing what you're ultimately trying to accomplish will help you put the best strategy in place. 

brand storytelling

"Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make but about the stories you tell." — Seth Godin

You may be wondering how you can possibly tell a story in today's fast-paced world. The good news is that even though attention spans are shorter, people still love a good story. We just like to consume it in a different format than our parents and grandparents did. 

marketing board strategy

Have you ever heard of the Rule of 7? The Rule of 7 suggests that consumers need to hear a message seven times before they will consider taking action. That is why having a multi-touch marketing strategy is so important and can help make your business more successful!

By using various formats such as your website, search engines, content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing and other channels, you're more likely to have success getting your message to resonate.

Here are a few ways having a cohesive, multi-touch marketing strategy can bring your business success:

 marketing myths

Common misconceptions and misunderstandings about marketing can often lead companies astray when it comes to making decisions on how to increase business and successfully market their brand, products, and services. In order to create a strategic marketing plan, it is important to be informed! Here are some of the top marketing myths explained.

marketing during covid

Most of our clients have had to change the way they do business over the past few weeks. Whether it's moving to a virtual platform or following stricter safety guidelines, all small businesses have been impacted in some way due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While these changes are necessary, it's important to consider how you talk about them. 

Now, more than ever, consumers are online. From their inboxes to their social media accounts, they are — for better or worse — much more active online. How do you make sure your message isn't lost in a sea of coronavirus talk?

marketing in crisis

"When times are good, you should advertise. When times are bad, you MUST advertise."

When the economy slows and business is uncertain, one of the first things companies often cut is their marketing budget. We get it. Amidst the current coronavirus pandemic and economic crisis, small businesses everywhere are taking a hit. However, for businesses that have the resources, marketing is more important now than ever for maintaining the health and longevity of your business. By intentionally creating and sticking to a marketing strategy throughout the current economic downturn, companies can create opportunity where competitors are not and recover quickly after the economy has recovered, positioning themselves for growth for years to come.

social media and covid19

The current health crisis has led to the temporary shuttering of numerous businesses and a general halting to everyday activities as restrictions and quarantine become the daily norm. While we're all practicing social distancing and many are working virtually, online platforms, such as social media and email, remain as important as they've always been, if not more. 

In these uncertain times, many are logging more screen time than usual, particularly on social media and in their inboxes. While you may not be meeting face-to-face with clients right now, the best practices for connecting with customers, building brand loyalty and being a relatable brand still apply.

customer loyalty

Do you ever find yourself asking the question of why customers are leaving or seem unsatisfied with your business? Everything seems to be working between your products, services, and your team, so what is the problem? If you haven’t taken the time to consider customer loyalty, that could explain why your customers are struggling. Let’s go through what customer loyalty is and why it matters for your company.

What is customer loyalty? Customer loyalty is a consumer’s willingness to buy from or work with a brand again and again, and it’s the result of a positive customer experience, customer satisfaction, and the value of the products or services the customer gets from the transaction. Here are 5 key tips for building customer loyalty:

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