
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

social media calendar

Social media can be one of the most useful tools when it comes to marketing. Billions of users around the world come together on a variety of platforms to share thoughts, memories, news, products, and more! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are all places to share information with the audience you are trying to reach. If you are an individual or business looking for more engagement on these platforms, the information below may come in handy for you.

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Posting on your social media platforms is a great way to spread the word about your company, what you offer, any specials you may be running, etc. But why is it important to create content and post often? Great question.

Social media content helps your business curate an online audience who may engage by liking, sharing, or even commenting on your post. In order to create quality content, you need to have a purpose or a message you are trying to get across. Start by brainstorming and creating a content calendar — this way you'll be able to plan out some posts in advance and see exactly what type of content you will be sharing. If you're stumped on what type of content to post on social media, find things that relate to your brand and mission. Stay on top of current events, holidays, and make sure your content is geared towards supporting your message.

linkedin vocab

A company LinkedIn page is a great way to increase credibility and share updates with other companies, your target audience, and job seekers. When adding LinkedIn to your social media footprint, it's helpful to know the different terminology that is often used on the platform. Let's dive into a few different terms you may find as you navigate your company's LinkedIn page. 


When it comes to social media, it’s no surprise that each platform has its own set of terms and trackable metrics. We wanted to give you an overview of key terms to know within Facebook. This glossary does not by any means cover all the major terms within Facebook – just the ones we look at in our Facebook reporting. Also, these terms apply to organic Facebook – we’ll dive in to Facebook Advertising at another time!

So without further ado…

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Got a minute? Check out our quick update on what's happening in the industry.

Instagram recently rolled out a "nametag" feature — essentially a QR code that users can scan to instantly find and follow an account. If it sounds familiar, it's because Snapchat has been utilizing this feature for some time. Instagram allows you to customize your nametag with colors and emojis to make it more personalized. 

Our Take: While it seems like an easy way to share your handle, the feature seems redundant to the search feature that already exists. This is just a prettier, more customizable way to find someone or have someone find you. It's another move on Instagram's part to foster community and connection on their platform. 

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Got a minute? Check out our quick update on what's happening in the industry. 

After many years of unsuccessful growth, Google is shutting down their social network platform Google+. The news came after the discovery of data threat that left Google+ users' profile data exposed. 

Our Take: This move won't affect many people, because not many people were using Google+ as a social platform. If you were using Google+, you may want to check any accounts that were connected to the platform to make sure they are secure. 

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LinkedIn is one of the best tools for making B2B connections. It is the most popular social network with Fortune 500 CEOs and 79% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for lead generation. However, simply having a LinkedIn profile is no longer enough. You need to stand out among the masses. 

Here are 3 tips for completing your LinkedIn profile and being seen:

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A recent report found that customers are more loyal to companies that are transparent on social media. In fact, customers reportedly expect a higher level of transparency from businesses than they do from other people on social media, including politicians, friends, and even themselves. So what exactly is transparency?

According to those who participated in the survey, 59% said transparency means being open, 53% said it means being clear, and 49% claimed it meant being honest. These three qualities mean so much to customers that 89% stated they'd be willing to stick with a company even after a bad experience if the company was open, clear, and honest about the incident. 

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Got a minute? Check out our update on what’s happening in the industry.


Pinterest now lets you organize your boards into sections. For example, if you have a home board, you can now divide it down into dining room, kitchen, etc.

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Have you noticed the new icon on the top of your Instagram feed? That would be the Instagram TV icon, better known as IGTV. Instagram is channeling its inner YouTube and introduced this new video feature to allow users to share longer, vertical videos. There are two ways you can access this feature, of course through the Instagram app, but also through the IGTV app - if you want to use it separate from Instagram. When accessing IGTV, you will have a few tabs that will allow you to view different videos:

  • For You – these are videos Instagram believed you will like based on who you follow
  • Following – these are videos people you follow have shared
  • Popular – these are trending videos

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