
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

January 2022 Website Blog

A new website is an incremental tool to elevate your business. It’s how consumers interact with you and learn more about what you do and offer along with so much more. Having your website built or redesigned is the first step, but what comes after that? How do you get consumers to your new site to see all that your company has to offer? Well, here are three marketing initiatives that will help to increase traffic and visibility to your new site.

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What do you do at Addison Clark?
I'm an account manager which means I do a little bit of everything for our clients! Whether it's drafting a marketing email or monitoring website analytics, the client is always top of mind. I enjoy working on something new every day — that's what I love about agency life!

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
On the weekends, you'll find me in the workshop flipping a piece of furniture. I've refinished coffee tables, end tables, nightstands, desk and more. There's something so cathartic about sanding, staining, and painting. Giving an old piece of furniture new life can be very rewarding. 

If you could travel in a time machine, would you go back to the past or into the future?
I've always been a history buff, so there's no question that I would travel to the past. My top destinations would be Victorian or Tudor England followed by the WWI era and the 1980's. 

digital trends

If you thought 2021 was a substantial year for marketing, 2022 will prove to be a year of equal or greater significance. 

As the digital marketing world evolves, organizations should adopt and leverage change to their advantage. Here are three digital marketing trends to look out for in 2022. 

holiday marketing strategy 1

The holidays are always a heartwarming and busy time of year, and while it is important to implement a marketing strategy for your business all year long, making sure that a holiday strategy is implemented during these winter months is critical. It ensures that your business stays top of mind with consumers, no matter your business. Here are five tips to stay engaged and relevant to your targeted audience during the holiday season:

1. Partner with a local charity
Not only does this show your support to a good cause, but it also shows your business's commitment to community engagement. This is also an opportunity to show your customers what is important to you. Whether it be donating a percentage of holiday profits, or donating a product or service your business offers, it integrates your business within the community and encourages consumers to do business with you because of your values and mission. Plus, you get the benefit of knowing you're helping your community during the holidays! 

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What do you do at Addison Clark?
I’m the videographer and editor at Addison Clark. I’m new here, but bring with me a great amount of experience!

2. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Bad drivers and people who chew with their mouth open.

3. Who would play you in a movie?
If Jason Segal and Josh Gad had a love child, they would most certainly have the lead role.

4. Are you a cat person or a dog person?
I’ve ALWAYS been a dog person. Although, I’ve taken a liking to some cats recently.

competitor analysis 1

A marketing strategy is a fluid approach that needs to be constantly analyzed and adjusted. There are many different factors that can have an effect on your strategy, including what your competitors are doing. Keeping an eye on what your top competitors are doing will help you better understand how to enhance your own strategy. Not because you have to copy everything your competitor is doing, but because it is important to be informed and educated.

2022 strategy 1

New year, new marketing strategy? Maybe, maybe not. Depending on your marketing audience and goals, you may find yourself sticking with the tried and true or shaking it up a little. Regardless, as we head into the final days of the year, now is a great time to consider your business' marketing strategy for 2022. 

Here are a few marketing services to consider as we head into the new year. 

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Customized promotional materials are a cost-effective way for companies to gain impressions by offering free merchandise to their consumers. Branded keychains, t-shirts, umbrellas, and phone accessories are examples of items you'll commonly see used as promotional materials. 

Companies can partner with a marketing agency to connect them to vendors and suppliers who manufacture and produce these products for distribution. An experienced marketing agency can help you select the best products to purchase and leverage those products to increase sales and build brand awareness. 

blog post hiring oct 21

Every industry in America is experiencing the squeeze of a labor shortage right now. With over 10 million open jobs in the United States today, the competition to hire good employees is fierce. If your business is trying to hire right now, you’re likely experiencing some frustrations now too. But it is not hopeless! There are some marketing efforts you can use to get in front of well-qualified candidates. When it’s time to bring on new employees, try these three marketing tactics:


We all know the importance of digital ads. Whether it be through Google or a social media platform, it is an effective way to get your business, product, or brand in front of consumers. Your ads can specifically target a demographic or geographic location, and can even determine frequency and placement on your consumer’s screen. While this is all great marketing, you may stumble across a plateau for your ads and this could be due to stale or underwhelming content.

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