
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

2022 strategy 1

New year, new marketing strategy? Maybe, maybe not. Depending on your marketing audience and goals, you may find yourself sticking with the tried and true or shaking it up a little. Regardless, as we head into the final days of the year, now is a great time to consider your business' marketing strategy for 2022. 

Here are a few marketing services to consider as we head into the new year. 

AC Logo on mug image 1

Customized promotional materials are a cost-effective way for companies to gain impressions by offering free merchandise to their consumers. Branded keychains, t-shirts, umbrellas, and phone accessories are examples of items you'll commonly see used as promotional materials. 

Companies can partner with a marketing agency to connect them to vendors and suppliers who manufacture and produce these products for distribution. An experienced marketing agency can help you select the best products to purchase and leverage those products to increase sales and build brand awareness. 

blog post hiring oct 21

Every industry in America is experiencing the squeeze of a labor shortage right now. With over 10 million open jobs in the United States today, the competition to hire good employees is fierce. If your business is trying to hire right now, you’re likely experiencing some frustrations now too. But it is not hopeless! There are some marketing efforts you can use to get in front of well-qualified candidates. When it’s time to bring on new employees, try these three marketing tactics:


We all know the importance of digital ads. Whether it be through Google or a social media platform, it is an effective way to get your business, product, or brand in front of consumers. Your ads can specifically target a demographic or geographic location, and can even determine frequency and placement on your consumer’s screen. While this is all great marketing, you may stumble across a plateau for your ads and this could be due to stale or underwhelming content.

Professional Brand Photography

Professional photography is a powerful, worthwhile investment for your brand. It can help your brand make a memorable first impression, stand out from your competitors, and forge a connection with your target audience. However, professional photography can be expensive! When it comes to choosing a photographer to capture and represent your brand, it is important to choose well to save your business the time and money. Here are a few things to look for when choosing a photographer:


Before you can implement a marketing strategy or outline your campaign goals, you need to determine your target audience. Defining your target audience will help you select the best platforms to utilize and the right message to send. Understanding which audience you should target can save you time, money, and resources in the long term. 


Short-form content has begun to dominate the feeds of most social media platforms. Although people are using social media more, they’re spending less time engaging with individual posts. According to a study from Microsoft, people now generally lose concentration after eight seconds, highlighting the effects of an increasingly digitalized lifestyle on the brain.

think like a customer 1

You’ve likely heard the admonition before to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes”. The expression indicates the importance of understanding other people’s experiences, challenges, and thought processes before judging them. This often brings about a perspective shift once we understand a little more about another person.

When it comes to marketing, the expression “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes” still applies, but perhaps we can tweak it slightly to say “walk a mile in your customers’ shoes”. The goal is still a perspective shift — this time from thinking like a business to thinking like a customer.

When you think like a customer, you can be more intentional with your marketing. By addressing a customer’s wants, needs, challenges, and desires, you’ll ultimately become a more relevant resource in their lives.


The importance of branding is key to running a successful business. It is the way that consumers identify with you, your product or service, and recall a need for what you offer when the time arises. Branding is essentially your identity in the marketing world and how you leave an impact on consumers. There are several ways to solidify your brand and here are just a few: 

SEO Blog 

In a crowded digital landscape, it can sometimes feel impossible to stand out. Custom illustrations can be a powerful tool to help set your brand apart!

Here are 4 reasons to incorporate illustrations into your marketing strategy:

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