
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

SEO Blog 

When it comes to website design, Google doesn’t judge a book by its cover. A website may be beautiful, but is it functional? Does your website drive visitors to take action by filling out a contact form, scheduling an appointment, or calling your office? If the answer is no, then you should consider partnering with an SEO agency to design your next website.


Education vs. Hard Sell

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel an uncomfortable amount of pressure to buy something from a business? As we move into the next decade, we hope you’ll experience this less and less. The best choices when it comes to products and services should present themselves through genuine quality over aggressive persuasion.


SEO blog aug 3

There are many components involved in a successful search engine optimization (SEO) strategy which can make it seem like a huge moving target at times. Search engines like Google take into account many different things when determining a website’s ranking, including things like a website’s front-end content, back-end meta data, competition, and the search queries that consumers are using to search for your products and services.

In today’s day and age emojis have become commonplace for most people when interacting with others in our personal lives. Whether it be through a text message, email, or social media post, emojis have become prevalent across multiple communication channels. While this fun, light-hearted form of communication seems harmless to utilize in your personal life, an important question to ask is: Are emojis a smart tool to use in my business?


A company blog may not be at the forefront of your mind when you think of a traditional marketing strategy. However, with nearly 5 billion internet users across the globe, online content has become an essential and valuable component of any effective brand strategy. Below are three reasons you should consider incorporating blogs into your marketing plan. 

customer retention

Businesses often focus their marketing efforts on obtaining new prospects and leads, but it’s important not to overlook the current customer base. Your current customers are one of the most important assets your business has. Because they are already familiar with your brand, product, and services, you’ve already tackled the first hurdle in marketing of making people aware of your offerings. In fact, studies have shown that the probability of selling to an existing customer is 40% more likely than converting someone who has never purchased from you before.

Now it’s just a matter of engaging those existing customers to form lasting relationships and loyal customers.

social media marketing

Social media marketing is a powerful way for businesses to tell their story, grow and connect with their audience and stay top of mind with consumers. With over 200 million social media users across the United States, your social media presence is an impactful extension of your brand.

Here are 6 tips for building your social media presence to get the most out of your social media marketing strategy:

video marketing

With video being hyped as the new “it” marketing thing, you have probably thought about or even started to make some videos for your company. But what should you actually do with your videos?

Adding video to your website is a no brainer. Whether it’s an "About Us"-style video that can go on your team page, or a how-to video that could live in a resources section, having video on your website is important. It’s also pretty obvious that your videos should be added to your YouTube channel (or another video hosting platform).

take 5 with mackenzie 1

We asked Mackenzie, one of our senior account managers, some marketing questions. Here's what she had to say...

1. What aspect of marketing do you think businesses should pay more attention to?
What the data is telling them! Every marketing campaign or strategy should have data to support its success. If you aren't analyzing the data, you could be throwing money at campaigns and strategies that aren't working for you. By looking at the data, you can refine the strategy and have a more successful outcome. 

2. What do you consider to be the biggest challenge for today's businesses?
Cutting through the clutter! There is a lot of competition in the market, but with a strong and consistent marketing strategy in place you can set yourself up for success.

3. Where do most people go wrong with their marketing?
Not having solid goals in place before launching their marketing strategy. There are so many avenues you can take with marketing. Understanding your goals will help you choose which avenue makes the most sense for your brand and, ultimately, allow you to get a good ROI!

brand story 1

Whether you know it or not, you are telling a brand story with everything you do. From your tagline and website content to your online reviews and signage, everything works together to craft a story about your business.

While some businesses are intentional about their brand story, other businesses are telling a story without even knowing it. Some are telling the wrong story altogether.

So how do you tell the right story in the right way?

First, you need to know the definition of a brand story. A brand story is a cohesive narrative that informs consumers and inspires an emotional reaction.

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