
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

interactive marketing

Interactive marketing is a rapidly growing trend in the world of digital marketing. Consumers are often overwhelmed with advertising messages in this day and age and, as a result, marketing techniques like banner ads and pop-ups are becoming less effective. 

Interactive marketing is a type of marketing that engages consumers and encourages them to participate in the marketing process. By providing an interactive experience, you can increase engagement, build brand awareness, and create a more memorable and shareable experience for your audience. To get you started, here are some examples of interactive marketing you can consider for your marketing strategy:

social media

With over 70% of the U.S. population on social media, it's not a bad idea to add social media to your business's overall marketing strategy. 

Social media has arguably become the most influential and important virtual space. Not only is it used for social networking purposes, but it is also effective for digitally advertising your brand. Compared to print or other media marketing tools, businesses could greatly miss out on the opportunity of marketing their brand on social media. 

interpreting data 1

There's absolutely no denying that marketers love data. Being able to see the direct results of your efforts and using that to hone the strategy, content, and development of a campaign is something we place great importance on. But effective data goes beyond identifying the most relevant and pertinent metrics to look at. Interpreting that data is the next, more difficult, step. 

Just like with everything, context always matters. It's important to view the data with a holistic mindset. 

ooh marketing 1

Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising is any type of print or digital advertisement that is positioned outside of the consumer's home typically on a large scale. This traditionally includes billboards, wallscapes and murals, transit, and street furniture. Out-of-home advertising is an opportunity to let creativity shine to provide long-lasting and clear messages on a large-scale, impactful space for your audience that is "on the go". This form of advertising is a powerful tool for increasing brand awareness and uninterrupted engagement through visually appealing and attractive mediums. If you've ever been torn between spending your advertising budget towards out-of-home advertising, here are a couple of reasons why it is a great return on investment. 

event marketing 1

When you think about marketing for your business, things like your website, emails, social media, and TV and radio advertising might come to mind. But what about live events? Event marketing is a unique way that businesses can personally connect with prospective and current customers and stand out from the competition. You can use events to showcase your products or services, demonstrate your skills, or raise general brand awareness. 

brand refresh

Adapting to the times is one of the key markers of what makes a business successful over time. Trends change, your audience changes, and even your product or services may be evolving. Your brand should always reflect your core values and speak to your target audience. You may not need a full rebrand, but a brand refresh can go a long way toward adapting to the times and positioning your brand above the competition. Wondering if it's time for a refresh? Look for these signs:

spring cleaning

When you think of the phrase "spring cleaning," you might think of finally tackling those home projects you've been putting off for awhile. But don't forget that your marketing strategy can also benefit from spring cleaning. It's important to keep your marketing plan, materials, and messaging up to date to stay in front of your audience and get ahead of the competition. While this might seem like a daunting task, here are a few actionable steps you can take now to get started:

2023 marketing trends

The world of digital marketing is ever-changing. New technology is putting creativity far ahead of its time and changing the game of digital marketing and advertising. The name of traditional advertising has changed as social media has become a leading source of marketing and advertising products and services. Digital marketing trends are heavily influenced by evolving technology, social and cultural trends, and design trends. What is popular right now? What are people talking about? 2023 is predicted to bring many changes to the marketing and advertising world. Here is what you can expect in the year ahead:


1. What do you do at Addison Clark? 
I am a Social Media Coordinator. I work alongside Account Managers and Graphic Designers to strategize and create social media content for clients to reach their overall marketing goals!

2. Are you a cat person or a dog person?
Oh, tough one. I'm content with either but would love a dog in my life at the moment. I've been dreaming of a golden retriever lately. 

3. What is your favorite holiday?
Fourth of July, for sure. Hot dogs and fireworks? A must. 

4. What is your biggest pet peeve?
It has to be chewing with your mouth open. An immediate red flag and just gross. 

5. Who would play you in a movie?
I would hope for AnnaSophia Robb! She's down-to-earth, classy, and full of wit. I just love her. 

6. If you could travel in a time machine, would you go back to the past or into the future?
Definitely to the past, particularly around the 1970s. I swoon over the interior design back then, and the music around that era is also equally incredible. 

word of mouth advertising 1

Getting the appropriate message to the appropriate audience will always be priority #1 in marketing, but gone are the days of that being the end of the process. Today, consumers are overwhelmed with the sheer number of options of products and services out there, and markets in all industries are more competitive than ever. Now, audiences (whether consciously or subconsciously) note not only the quality of your advertisement but their experience of being advertised to. 

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