
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

shortened attention spans

In the digital age, social media has revolutionized the way we communicate, share information, and even conduct business. With the now billions of users scrolling through their feeds multiple times a day, social media platforms present a great opportunity for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience. However, constant exposure to content in this way has shortened the attention spans of many. Now more than ever, it is crucial to capture and retain the attention of your audience. Here are some strategies that can help combat the shortened attention span:

marketing miconceptions

Marketing is a broad term that encompasses many strategies and platforms used to promote a product or service. Within marketing, there are numerous myths and misconceptions that could ultimately be harming the potential growth of your business. Here are four common ones:

Marketing and advertising are one in the same

While marketing and advertising often go hand in hand, they are not the same! Marketing is usually defined as the overall strategy toward promoting your business, while advertising is a term used to describe a paid form of messaging, such as paid social media ads or Google Ads. Without advertising, the impacts of your marketing may be limited. Without a marketing plan in place, your advertising dollars may be wasted. A combination of both is usually the sweet spot!

Bailey Blog Post 1

1. What do you do at Addison Clark?
I am the Social Media Coordinator. I work alongside all the Account Managers and Graphic Designers to strategize and create content for our clients to achieve their marketing goals. 

2. Are you a cat or dog person?
Definitely a dog person. I love being around my favorite people and going for walks with them. 

3. What is your favorite social media site and why?
I would have to say TikTok just because I have been posting content since 2016, but more recently, I love Strava for staying active and encouraging my friends on there to do the same. 

4. What do you do in your spare time?
I really enjoy reading a good book outside, going to concerts, and recently have been getting into running (as a swimmer, it's a love-hate relationship sometimes). 

5. What is your favorite holiday?
Halloween for sure. My creativity shines every year when making my costumes. 

smart goals

It's been six months since the sparkly outfits, champagne clinks, and the New York City ball dropping rang in the New Year. And if you made a resolution, you may have forgotten it by now. Don't be so quick to give up on those old promises just yet. This just might be the perfect time to revive them. 

Statistics show that six months after setting a resolution, most people don't keep it — 54% to be exact. The numbers are even more discouraging by the end of the year with only 9% having success in seeing their resolution through. We're just going to say it — these are pretty crappy, hopeless numbers. But perhaps there's another way to look at them. People who bother to set resolutions still have the advantage in reaching their goals over those who never created resolutions in the first place. 

video marketing 1

It's no secret that video has become a key component in advertising with the rise in video features on social media and other platforms. Video is engaging to view and leaves a long-lasting impression of a business or brand. Video content can be a useful tool when explaining your product or service and can increase a viewer's understanding of that product or service. These long-lasting impressions increase brand recognition because viewers are more likely to remember information they've watched in a video over something they have read. Here are 5 reasons why video is a powerful marketing tool:

value proposition

Every business owner wants their brand to be unique and stand out from the crowd. But what happens when customers start to pass over you and head straight to the competition? It may be because your brand lacks a value proposition. Simply put, a value proposition is a statement that describes how your product or service is valuable to customers. 

To create your value proposition, start by asking yourself the following questions:

interactive marketing

Interactive marketing is a rapidly growing trend in the world of digital marketing. Consumers are often overwhelmed with advertising messages in this day and age and, as a result, marketing techniques like banner ads and pop-ups are becoming less effective. 

Interactive marketing is a type of marketing that engages consumers and encourages them to participate in the marketing process. By providing an interactive experience, you can increase engagement, build brand awareness, and create a more memorable and shareable experience for your audience. To get you started, here are some examples of interactive marketing you can consider for your marketing strategy:

social media

With over 70% of the U.S. population on social media, it's not a bad idea to add social media to your business's overall marketing strategy. 

Social media has arguably become the most influential and important virtual space. Not only is it used for social networking purposes, but it is also effective for digitally advertising your brand. Compared to print or other media marketing tools, businesses could greatly miss out on the opportunity of marketing their brand on social media. 

interpreting data 1

There's absolutely no denying that marketers love data. Being able to see the direct results of your efforts and using that to hone the strategy, content, and development of a campaign is something we place great importance on. But effective data goes beyond identifying the most relevant and pertinent metrics to look at. Interpreting that data is the next, more difficult, step. 

Just like with everything, context always matters. It's important to view the data with a holistic mindset. 

ooh marketing 1

Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising is any type of print or digital advertisement that is positioned outside of the consumer's home typically on a large scale. This traditionally includes billboards, wallscapes and murals, transit, and street furniture. Out-of-home advertising is an opportunity to let creativity shine to provide long-lasting and clear messages on a large-scale, impactful space for your audience that is "on the go". This form of advertising is a powerful tool for increasing brand awareness and uninterrupted engagement through visually appealing and attractive mediums. If you've ever been torn between spending your advertising budget towards out-of-home advertising, here are a couple of reasons why it is a great return on investment. 

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