
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA


Website copy is an essential element of any site. It has the unique purpose of driving your visitors to action and can be the deciding factor in converting visitors into leads. Often, copywriting can be overlooked in the web development process by other elements such as SEO, design, or functionality, but its purpose is just as important.

When writing effective copywriting for your website, it’s important to keep some details in mind:


Developing a website that is both visually appealing and accurately represents your brand is no easy feat. The production process, from concept ideation to coding, can take weeks or even months. You might feel relieved once you’ve launched your website, but the work isn’t over yet. It’s crucial to monitor your website’s performance regularly to avoid downtime and hiccups in the customer journey. How can you measure performance? It’s Addison Clark’s answer to everything – data!


Did you know that over 64% of small businesses use email marketing to reach their customers?

Often times, incorporating email marketing into your overall strategy is a great way to grow and strengthen your business. However, in the beginning it can seem daunting. We get asked all the time “how do I build an email list”?

With the tips below, you will be well on your way to growing your email list – organically!

A website is a business’s digital home, and increasingly consumers first impression of a brand. An unreliable website is virtually useless to any business owner. In the digital world, your website should be quickly available and secure, 24/7. If not, you risk losing potential customers to competitors.


Businesses often employ many different components and channels as a part of their marketing strategy. This is great since one option can rarely ever solve all of a business’s marketing challenges. It’s important to understand, however, that every component of a marketing strategy affects another. Each service is working towards a common goal and relies on each other a lot more than you may think.


Both search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) are excellent tools on their own, but when combined they really complement and even enhance each other’s strategy.


We refer to ourselves at Addison Clark as a “full-service” marketing agency, but what exactly does that mean? To us, full-service means that we provide everything your business needs to develop a successful marketing strategy that produces measurable results.


An effective website has concise verbiage, cohesive branding, and an intuitive navigation that drives visitors to take action. If you haven’t changed anything about your website in the last year it’s time for an update. Here a few considerations to make while cleaning up your website.


LinkedIn can be a valuable tool for individuals looking to connect with colleagues and build a professional network, but it is much more than that! For businesses, LinkedIn is a marketplace to share ideas, products, and services. Connect with your audience and start building awareness for your brand on LinkedIn with these five tips:


Writing blog posts can be a nightmare for some people. But blogging can prove to be very useful for your business’s SEO which in turn helps bring customers to your website. So how do you write a blog post and what can you write about?

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