
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA


When it comes to social media, it’s no surprise that each platform has its own set of terms and trackable metrics. We wanted to give you an overview of key terms to know within Facebook. This glossary does not by any means cover all the major terms within Facebook – just the ones we look at in our Facebook reporting. Also, these terms apply to organic Facebook – we’ll dive in to Facebook Advertising at another time!

So without further ado…

mobile strategy

By now, you've likely heard of the importance of a mobile-friendly website. We've published a few blog posts about it here as well. However, just because you have a mobile-friendly website doesn't mean the experience is perfect.

site speed

Do you remember the last time you landed on a website that took a long time to load? You may even remember the exact website, because it can be frustrating. Website speed is something the average person doesn't think about until they have to wait one second too long for a site to load. Even companies sometimes underestimate the importance of site speed, pushing it to the back burner after a website is built. It's time to give website speed its due!

A slow site speed will negatively impact the user's experience, leading to higher bounce rates and fewer conversions. Google places such high emphasis on site speed that they will even demote a site in search engine results if it takes too long to load. This can make it hard for potential consumers to even discover your website. Google recently published an article about with four ways you can optimize the images on your website to improve site speed, but we want to go a step further.


A brand is more than a logo. It encompasses the look, feel, and messaging of a company, including how your website looks, how your employees answer the phone, and even the elevator pitch you give to a prospective client. Its job is to tie all the pieces of your business together to present a cohesive personality and targeted message.

So why would you change your brand?

multi touch

Have you ever been watching TV and the same commercial comes on back to back? Did you know that is done on purpose in order to capture your attention? Most Americans are so busy multi-tasking that it takes several tries to grab their attention. This is why a multi-touch marketing strategy is key.

email marketing

For many companies, email marketing is not just a part of their marketing strategy; it is the foundation of it. It’s no surprise either – according to 80% of professionals, email marketing campaigns drive customer acquisition and retention for their businesses. Plus, it is one of the most cost-effective marketing methods since it is a way to reach people in a place they visit every day – their email inbox. More importantly, because of opt-in requirements, you’re contacting people who have invited you into their inbox. Instead of cold calls, email marketing allows you to connect with people who actually want to hear from your business.

If you’ve been on the fence about pursuing an email marketing strategy, here are some facts about this avenue of marketing.

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We've all heard the saying, "Content is King." Stated by Bill Gates in 1996, this phrase is still true 20+ years later. The key to making your content marketing strategy work is adaption — you have to be able to change with the times and keep up with the trends in your industry. Here are a few key trends that are in right now in 2019 from Forbes

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In the ever-growing social media and digital world, consumer options are endless. Customers have a myriad of options to purchase a single product – a small brick and mortar store, large chain store, online retailer, etc. So how do they make this decision?

Many times, it has to do with reviews. A 2018 study indicated that 88% of consumers do research before they make a purchase either online or in-store. Reviews are a big piece of this research. For a lot of consumers, reviews are a way to try before you buy. Other people have used the product or service and have already given a report on it. This is especially important for people who buy online.

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Google recently published an article detailing the three ways they think about SEO. We found that our thinking aligned with Google in many ways, so we wanted to share some of our own insights. 

1. When working to improve your company's SEO, start small. Making edits to your website's content, metadata, and improving site speed are all small ways that you can move the needle in the right direction. Remember, SEO adjustments can take time to make a difference but there are many long-term results. 

new year trends

These are the five trends we're watching closely in 2019. 

1. Personalization. More and more customers want their online experience personalized. Phrases like "near me" saw a huge increase in Google searches in 2018. Another personalization we have seen is customized shopping. If you purchase a particular product, similar or corresponding products will be suggested to you as well. 

2. Digital. It's no surprise that digital continues to dominate in the marketing world. With platforms like Google, Facebook, and Hulu offering new and better digital advertising options, look for more and more opportunities in 2019. 

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