
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

google my business

You have a Google My Business listing, now what? Optimizing your map listing is important for many reasons, especially local SEO. Follow these three tips for optimizing your listing to ensure your customers are not only finding your business, but the correct information!

1. Fill out your profile completely. There are many sections on a map listing such as description, services, hours and much more. It's very important to make sure your listing is as complete as possible. This will ensure people are able to find you and can get information about your business quickly. 

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January is like the Monday of the year. What you do during that month can set your business up for success all year long. Whether you're just starting a new business or you've been established for several years, it never hurts to take a critical look at your business, consider what is working and what is not working, and set new goals to achieve in the year. 

1. Map out a strategy. All good business and marketing plans should start with a strategy. This will act as your guiding star throughout the year, making sure all of your efforts are aligning with your goals. It also gives you a way to track progress throughout the year. A marketing agency, like Addison Clark, can help you put together an effective strategy for the new year that will help set your business up for success. By sharing this strategy with your team, you can ensure that everyone is working in a cohesive manner towards the same goal. 

2. Define "success". Success looks different for everyone. What one business would consider a success may not be what you're aiming for. Take some time to consider what success looks like for your business and aim for that in your marketing, sales, and business goals. 

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It’s almost 2019, folks. It’s kind of hard to believe that we’re already talking about marketing strategy for next year. However, it’s more than just strategy that you need to think about. As you’re planning for 2019, you need to put yourself into the mind of your consumer. How do your customers find you? How do they think? How are they making decisions? These points are all important to consider HOW your customer will respond to your marketing – which is important to know before you even consider the WHAT of the strategy that you’re working on. Once you figure out both, you know you’re on a solid path to marketing success.

Forbes published an article recently that talks about marketing trends to consider in 2019. I believe the points made here are all important as you are considering both the what and the how of your marketing strategy. Here is a partial list of the key takeaways:

directory sites

Inevitably, in almost every Google Search, there's a listing for Yelp, Angie's List, or some other directory website. On average, there are 145 million unique monthly Yelp users, so it's safe to say these sites are getting some traffic! These websites continue to creep higher and higher in search results. So why does this matter and what should you be aware of?

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When planning an event, it is important to consider your event marketing plan and have a strategy in place to promote it. You know that your event is going to be awesome, but it takes a few tools and strategies to create the right amount of buzz and attendance for your event.  

A multi-faceted approach is one of the best ways to kick off an event's promotion. Here are a few helpful tips to promote your event and keep it top of mind.

social media video

With people watching videos online more than ever before, it only makes sense for businesses to tap into that audience with video content of their own. Social media is one of the biggest platforms for sharing branded video content as these stats prove:

  • Around 100 million hours of video are watched every day on Facebook
  • Views of branded video content have increased by 258% on Facebook between 2016 and 2017
  • A video tweet is 6x more likely to be retweeted on Twitter than a photo tweet.

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The holidays are coming up – can you believe it? With spending on the minds of most consumers, now is a great time to start planning your holiday-themed marketing plan. One of the best ways to directly reach your customers is through an email marketing campaign. Here are some ideas to consider:

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Website hosting is a service that allows your website to be accessible via the world wide web aka the internet. A hosting provider, like Addison Clark, provides the technology and service needed for the website to be viewed on the internet. The hosting location is where all of the files for your website lives.

Websites are stored on servers, which are special computers that are accessed whenever someone types in your web address in their browser. Your web address is also called your domain. The domain is also associated with your IP address, which is a series of numbers, that does not show to the public.

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Got a minute? Check out our quick update on what's happening in the industry.

Instagram recently rolled out a "nametag" feature — essentially a QR code that users can scan to instantly find and follow an account. If it sounds familiar, it's because Snapchat has been utilizing this feature for some time. Instagram allows you to customize your nametag with colors and emojis to make it more personalized. 

Our Take: While it seems like an easy way to share your handle, the feature seems redundant to the search feature that already exists. This is just a prettier, more customizable way to find someone or have someone find you. It's another move on Instagram's part to foster community and connection on their platform. 

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The holidays are right around the corner — is your business ready? It may seem early to start thinking about your holiday plan, but its best to get ahead of the game! Here are six things to start thinking about before the holidays:

1. Your website. Online holiday shopping peaks between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but even before those days arrive shoppers are browsing online and researching different products and brands. It is important that your website is prepared for the influx of visitors with a user-friendly experience and up-to-date content.

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