
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

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Web video has been on the rise for some time now. Brands like it because it is a great way to cut through the clutter of online information. Consumers like it because it is a much easier way to digest content. In 2015, it was reported that adults in the United States watched over five hours of video per day. This stat is expected to be the same in 2019 with the exception that over an hour of that time will be spent watching web video on a mobile device. 

One particular area where video is extremely effective is online shopping. New data from Google reveals that more consumers are turning to video to research products before they buy them. Savvy shoppers have always looked for more information about the products they're shopping for and, these days, they're turning to web video to find it. Whether they're just browsing, looking for product reviews, or trying to learn how to use a product, video offers the content they need in an easy-to-digest format.

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Got a minute? Check out our quick update on what's happening in the industry. 

After many years of unsuccessful growth, Google is shutting down their social network platform Google+. The news came after the discovery of data threat that left Google+ users' profile data exposed. 

Our Take: This move won't affect many people, because not many people were using Google+ as a social platform. If you were using Google+, you may want to check any accounts that were connected to the platform to make sure they are secure. 

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Your brand is the identity of your business. When it comes to marketing the products or services you offer, you need to make sure your brand is easily identifiable in the marketplace. It has to have reach — and in order to achieve that brand awareness, you'll need to consider a variety of marketing channels. 

Here are some ways to increase your brand visibility:

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LinkedIn is one of the best tools for making B2B connections. It is the most popular social network with Fortune 500 CEOs and 79% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for lead generation. However, simply having a LinkedIn profile is no longer enough. You need to stand out among the masses. 

Here are 3 tips for completing your LinkedIn profile and being seen:

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Establishing a brand is an important step for any marketing strategy. After all, your brand not only includes your visual identity but many other aspects, like company values, personality, and much more. It should build awareness and develop loyalty with your customers. As you create assets to market your business, it's important to keep your brand top of mind to promote consistency.

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A recent report found that customers are more loyal to companies that are transparent on social media. In fact, customers reportedly expect a higher level of transparency from businesses than they do from other people on social media, including politicians, friends, and even themselves. So what exactly is transparency?

According to those who participated in the survey, 59% said transparency means being open, 53% said it means being clear, and 49% claimed it meant being honest. These three qualities mean so much to customers that 89% stated they'd be willing to stick with a company even after a bad experience if the company was open, clear, and honest about the incident. 

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So you have a killer website that is live and ready to show off to the world. Now what? Ideally, you've got a marketing plan in place to start driving traffic to the website. That's when the real work begins. 

Let's say, as an example: You've launched your site, and you have a social media campaign, a PPC campaign, and some digital ads in place to get clicks over to the website. How are you going to know if these marketing techniques are working? The answer lies in the numbers found in your analytics program.

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Summer has whizzed by and the holidays are right around the corner. It may be hard to believe, but it's time to plan for Q4. Here are a few marketing options to consider budgeting for:

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Got a minute? Check out our update on what’s happening in the industry.


Pinterest now lets you organize your boards into sections. For example, if you have a home board, you can now divide it down into dining room, kitchen, etc.

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Marketing collateral is a necessary but often overlooked component of the overall marketing strategy for many businesses. If you’ve had the same old tri-fold brochure or sales sheet forever, it’s probably time to up your game! Consider adding a piece of marketing collateral – whether it be a rack card, postcard, letter, whatever you can imagine – that takes your company’s branding to the next level.

Here are some ways to do just that!

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