
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

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What do you do at Addison Clark?
I am an Account Manager at Addison Clark, which means I manage and track marketing efforts for a variety of clients.

What’s your favorite thing about your job?
I really enjoy talking and getting to know new people! Once I break out of my shell, I can’t stop talking!

What is your favorite social media platform and why?
Instagram is my absolute favorite because I love seeing how others captured their memories and love sharing mine.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve would have to be someone chewing with their mouth open.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I enjoy spending as much time with family, friends and my dog as possible. Rumor has it that my family throws the most cookouts in the history of forever – so I am always planning for the next family get together!

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Got a minute? Check out our quick update on what is happening in the industry!

Over the last few weeks, Facebook has been rolling out some design updates, namely the shape of Page profile pictures. Instead of the traditional square frame, profile pictures have changed to a circular shape, similar to Instagram profile pictures. Facebook says they have been testing this minor tweak for several weeks and saw encouraging results and feedback. The shape change only applies to the profile picture when it appears in the News Feed and on your Page timeline. The larger profile picture on a Page's cover area will remain square.

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At Addison Clark, we work with clients in a wide-range of industries: healthcare, manufacturing, real estate, HVAC, finance…the list goes on. While these companies have very little in common, they all have the capacity of connecting with their customers through value-driven content.

Content marketing is about connecting with customers in a way that inspires, informs, educates, or entertains. This often looks very different depending on the company. Not every business will have a glittery, viral product, but every business has the capacity of connecting with their audience through quality content.

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Got a minute? Check out our quick update on what is happening in the industry.

If we sound like a broken record, it’s because LinkedIn continues to make changes every week. This week, they've added background and profile image edits to the list. LinkedIn now offers crop, filter, and adjustment options to individual users.

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Got a minute? Check out our quick update on what is happening in the industry!

LinkedIn is still making changes. This week it was to the platform's navigation. Some users may already have access to the new navigation, while others will see it rolled out over the next few weeks. The biggest change is that the Learning button has been pulled out of the Work menu drop-down and given first-page status on the main navigation menu. The Home button is now to left of the search bar. 

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We know you hear it all the time, but it's the truth: Video marketing should be a part of your business strategy. Here are some quick stats for you:

  • More than 500 million hours of videos are watched on YouTube every day.
  • 55% of people consume videos thoroughly — the highest amount for all types of content.
  • 4x as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than reading about it.
  • And perhaps most importantly — companies who use videos in their marketing grow revenue 49% faster year-over-year than those who don't.

Ultimately, video has been shown to increase ROI, which is the biggest reason that your business needs video marketing. We've come up with a helpful list of types of videos to get you started!

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Got a minute? Check out our quick update on what is happening in the industry!

YouTube has begun rolling out some changes to their navigation. The changes to this Google-owned product are consistent with other recent updates to Google products like Google My Business and Google+. The fonts, buttons, and other features on YouTube now align better with all the other Google-owned products.

Our take:

  • The navigation feels more streamlined and presents a good user experience.
  • One note of caution: The analytics section is a little buried in the new layout and took us a minute to find.
  • Overall, the look is consistent with other Google platforms, so anyone familiar with other Google products will feel comfortable with this new look.

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It is no secret that social media influences shopping decisions – especially among millennials. In fact, one report found that 47% of millennials say their purchasing decisions are influenced by social media. What might surprise you though is that this influence isn’t coming from the marketing messages brands are posting. Instead, it’s stemming from what millennials see their peers posting and sharing on social media.

Nearly 9 in 10 consumers view an online review with the same importance as a personal recommendation.

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Got a minute? Check out our quick update on what's happening in the industry.

LinkedIn announced that users will soon be able to add multiple photos to a post. This feature is currently only available on the IOS app, but is coming soon to Android and desktop.

Our take:

  • We believe this will add more value to LinkedIn posts, especially on Company Pages.
  • Just like on Facebook, multiple photos will make posts more interesting and aesthetically pleasing.

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We’ve all been in the place of struggling with what to post on social media. You know it’s an important marketing tool for your business and you understand the benefits of using it, but when it comes down to clicking the “Publish” button, you’re having a complete mind blank.

If this sounds like you, we're here to offer a simple piece of advice: Put yourself in the customer's shoes.

It’s not an impossible task because we’re all consumers. Think back to the last time you clicked over to a business’s social media feed. What caught your attention? What made you leave?

In the end, consumers are just looking for value. Luckily, you can provide that in a myriad of ways on social media. Here are just a few examples:

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